
INTENTION – whatever I focused on became my reality.  My energy, both physical and mental, flowed from wherever I placed my attention.  If I was coming from my shadow, Ego side of fear, anger, resentments, etc., then, my experience and the people I met along the way supported that.  The negative energy drained me and added burden to every step.  But, if I was open-hearted to myself and others and stayed True to my Self and believed that the Universe had my back and lived in the present moment, every step was like walking on clouds from Heaven.  My beliefs and intentions created my reality and the experience that I was having.

The origin of the word INTENTION:   (Etymonline)

“Intention” is  from “late 14c., entencioun, “purpose, design, aim or object; will, wish, desire, that which is intended,” from Old French entencion “intent, purpose, aspiration; will; thought” (12c.), from Latin intentionem (nominative intentio) “a stretching out, straining, exertion, effort; attention,” noun of action from intendere “to turn one’s attention,” literally “to stretch out” (see intend).

Also in Middle English “emotion, feelings; heart, mind, mental faculties, understanding.”  With this, I also think of the word “response”, which comes from Old French respons (Modern French réponse) and directly from Latin responsum “an answer,” noun use of neuter past participle of respondere “respond, answer to, promise in return,” from re- “back” (see re-) + spondere “to pledge” (see spondee).”

So, after introspection and digging deep into what is in our hearts and resonates from our True Self, we then, consciously choose our response from our core beliefs and values that align with our True Self.  We set our intention, make a “pledge”  and “promise in return” to “answer to” and “answer back” from that place within us…that place that is whole and true and real.  Deepak Chopra says that “where our intention goes, energy flows”. How often have we said or done something that didn’t get the desired results or response from others?  What follows is misunderstanding, hurt feelings, broken hearts and broken connections in relationships.  “I didn’t mean to do that.” or “that’s not what I meant”.  Meaning…what is the REAL meaning behind actions and words?  If someone hurts us, we say they are mean or mean-spirited.  “Mean” as a verb, comes from Old English maenan “intend, plan or have in mind”. (  I would say that instead of “have in mind”, it should be “have in heart”. We need to go inside our hearts, be aware, pay attention and then, set our intentions and how we will respond from there.  It is only then that we will be at peace and feel balanced inside and outside of ourselves.  When we know who we truly are, and what we truly want and make choices from there, our path is clear and our journey is effortless and we feel whole (instead of full of holes).  

Essential questions for INTENTION:

(applicable to self, students, parents, colleagues and all humans on journey of lifelong learning)

Where is my attention going?

Where is my energy flowing?

Who and what are draining my energy and why?

Which choices give me energy?  Why?

Who is making the decisions:  my Ego or my True Self?

What negative thought patterns do I engage?  When?  With whom?  Why?

What pledges and commitments do I need to make in order to stay faithful to my True Self and core values?

Who will be affected by my choice?  How and why?

How does this choice/response affect me and others positively?

How does this choice/response affect me and others negatively?

How does this choice/response compromise my core values and deepest desires?

How does this choice/response keep its promise to my core values & deepest desires?

Is there peace around my choice?

What piece of the greater peace I desire does this choice serve?

Do the results and outcomes of my choice resonate in my heart?

When I make a choice, which answers back…my head or my heart?

When I make a choice, what emotion comes up?  Why?

What other choices do I have that might align better with my desired outcomes?

How can I live more by the Golden Rule of “do unto others…”?

What can I do to better understand the actions and intentions of others?

What are some words of comfort and validation that I can use in a difficult situation?

What can I do now, in this moment, to become more aware and make a more conscious


How do I receive love, and more importantly, how do I share love with others?


Affirmations, cheers, “Can Do” Statements

for the “Common Core” Belief of INTENTION:

I always have a choice as to how I want to respond to any situation.

Self awareness informs all my responses.

I respond from a place of love and grace.

My heart radiates love and connects to others through love.

I see the beauty and goodness in my inner world and the world around me.

I accept, affirm, and love myself just the way I am.

I accept, affirm and love others just the way they are.

I only want what is best for myself and for others.

I see myself in others as we are all connected and part of the human family.

I help and support others on their paths.

I walk alone on my path when I need to do so, and it is okay.

I accept all experiences as they are and seek to learn and grow from them.

I am grateful to learn from all experiences.

I pledge my allegiance to my True Self.

My core beliefs and values support all my choices.

When I let go of my Ego, I step into my true power.

I only respond to what is real and meaningful.

I always choose to respond with loving kindness toward myself and others.

I make responsible choices and accept all responsibility for my choices.

I make choices that align with my True Self and desired results.

I focus my attention on what brings me joyous and loving energy.

I let go of all pieces that do not serve my greater peace within.

I promise to love, honor and cherish my True Self.

I promise to share my gifts with the world for the Greater Good.

I promise to live by the Golden Rule and share loving kindness with all.

I lovingly offer my gifts and the very best of me to the world with no strings attached.