

As teachers, we are lifelong learners.  We probably became a teacher because of our passion for learning and our excitement to apply our learning and share it with others.  The calling to teach creates an inherent path for personal and professional growth.  As teachers, we are always looking for resources, tools and strategies to add to our teaching toolkit.  As well, we are also looking for ways to personally grow and meet the physical, mental and emotional challenges that teaching presents to us.

What I learned from decades of teaching experience is that although the mind is a powerful resource in teaching, the heart is really the greatest and most powerful resource of all.  Even though I knew this and felt I was a very heart-centered teacher, what I learned on the Camino showed me was that there was more to it than that.  I learned that there is an essence, an energy, a spirit of humanity that connects us all and helps us along our path on our journey through life.  And along the way, we need to be curious, explore, discover and grow that spirit for the greater good of us all, especially for children.

So, I am providing two different paths of resources for you to be curious, explore, discover and grow your teacher heart and mind:  Spirit Resources, which will guide your heart and Teaching Resources, which will guide your mind.  Both are intended to hopefully meet the needs of a teacher today in body, mind and spirit.