
TRANSFORMATION – I have a much greater understanding of the learning process and what it means to be a living spirit having a human experience.  I know that I am always evolving and growing into the next higher version of myself.  I have found my way back home, to my true self and every day I use that as my North Star.  I am renewed in spirit and strong in faith.  I try to live every day as a Phoenix bird, allowing all the pieces and layers that are not my true self and that do not come from spirit to burn away to ashes, so that I can be renewed again and forever free to fly and sing my love song to the world!

The origin of the word TRANSFORMATION:   (Etymonline)

  “Transformation” means “to change form; trans = cross over/across”.  What we learn should transform us.  It should empower us to cross over any boundaries or obstacles in order to get to the other side.  It should give us the “lentes nuevos” that we need to transform and see more clearly that which we need to change, that which we do not need to change and to acquire the wisdom in our hearts to know the difference.  We should always be seeking to figure things out in order to learn and grow into an even better version of ourselves today than we were yesterday.  Every day, we should ask ourselves, “what will I pass on today?”;  “how may I serve the Greater Good of humanity?”; “what difference have I made?”;  “what piece of my heart have I shared to create greater peace in the world?”   

Essential questions for TRANSFORMATION:

(applicable to self, students, parents, colleagues and all humans on journey of lifelong learning)

What do I want to change in my world/life, and why?

With what do I struggle the most and why?

With whom do I struggle the most and why?

What are the situations and contexts that bring me the most joy?  Why?

What are the situations and contexts that bring me pain and suffering?  Why?

When do I feel I have the power to change my circumstances?

When do I feel I have little or no power to change my circumstances?

What are the biggest obstacles that keep me from “crossing over” from the place I am to

    the place I want to be?

What does that place look like?  Feel like?  Taste like?  Sound like?

Who is there, and what are they saying?

What is needed for me to feel like this all the time? 

What do I need to do to make that happen?

What keeps getting in the way of me achieving my goals or reaching my desired results?

What other choice(s) do I have?

What part of SPIRIT do I need to work on most in order to change and transform into the

next best version of myself?

How can I create more peace of mind to make choices that are best for me?

When do I feel most calm and empowered?  Why?

How can I listen better to my inner wisdom, and then, act from that point of awareness?

How can I take the energy of my passion and transform the world around me?

How can I use my gifts to transform the world inside and outside of me?

What can I do to sharpen my “lentes” and gain a new perspective to inform my choices?


Affirmations, cheers, “Can Do” Statements

for “Common Core” Belief of TRANSFORMATION:

I am safe.

I am at home in my heart and cradled in love.

I am exactly where I need to be.

This moment is perfect for me and my journey.

This relationship is here to teach me more about myself and direct me on my

        life’s path.

I am in touch with my inner child and the children around me.

I am in touch with nature and the peace that it brings me.

I take my next step on my journey with faith and trust.

I have all I need within me to guide and support my next step.

I am curious and open to the next step on my life’s journey.

I act as if a child is always watching me, and step into the next highest version of

        myself to be the best role model for all children and lead the way.

My choices make a difference in my life and the lives of others.

I transform the lives of children through teaching.

I transform the lives of others by listening with my heart and only offering them loving

kindness and understanding.

I transform my relationship with others with kind thoughts, kind words and kind deeds.

I always choose love, kindness and grace.

I am transformed through every experience I have.

I am transformed through every choice I make.

I transform the world by sharing my gifts and my passion.

I cross over all barriers, obstacles and restrictions that keep me from manifesting my

highest purpose here on Earth.

I accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and seek wisdom to know

the difference.

I am transformed by the power of Now and my conscious choices in every moment.

I am transformed by grace.