SPIRIT Journey: Intuition

“Intuition” is from Late Latin "intuitionem" (nominative intuitio) 
“a looking at, consideration”.  

Psychology Today states that “intuition is the process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning.” Most people define it as a “gut feeling” or an “inner knowing”.

Everyone has intuition, but most are not aware or tapped into it because of too many distractions and exterior stressors that prevent us from checking in with the feelings and sensations in our bodies.  

We are a modern society of immediate gratification and constant stimulus to the brain through technology.  Thanks to technology and computers, we are a data-driven society that runs on charts, graphs, statistics and only things that are tangible and can be measured, quantified and qualified.  

We ignore our gut feelings in favor of spreadsheets, bar graphs, pie charts and other computer-generated viewpoints.

Curiosity, play, creativity and the natural flow of learning 
fall by the wayside in school when 
everything has to be measured and quantified 
and placed in a spreadsheet.  

Everything becomes quite formulaic and no one is “looking at” or “considering” any other possibilities other than those presented through the data.  

Where are the other variables in the equation like what the child is dealing with at home or health/wellness or who they really are as a person?  What kind of children are they becoming when we are defining them as part of a spreadsheet, drawing a picture of their future in a pie chart or or measuring their worth through a bar graph?   

When everything and everyone is so controlled and “data-driven”, what happens to dreams then? How are we really robbing children of their potential rather than helping them discover & grow it? 

Why are teachers not allowed to “look at” and “consider” what they feel in their heart and “go with their gut” so that they can be more creative and authentic?  (more…)

Spirit Journey: SERENITY

Serenity – “mid-15c., “clear, calm,” from Latin serenus “peaceful, calm, clear, unclouded” (of weather), figuratively “cheerful, glad, tranquil.”    How can we find serenity when…

There is a lot going on in teaching these days.

There is a lot going on in the world.

There is a lot going on inside of each of us. 

Teachers, students, parents, administrators, the world…
EVERY ONE needs more calm and peace and serenity.  

There is too much expected in too little time and too few resources or too little support or just TOO…TOO much, TOO little TO DO or TO BE. The perspective has changed from a place of abundance to a place of lack and Taking On Obstacles (TOO) that are constantly being placed before us.  

Everything is a challenge to be overcome. There is struggle in everything we do.  There is no natural flow of curiosity, gradual growth and exploratory learning. Where has all the joy gone? Why is passion now a curse in teaching?  

The forecast in education is always stormy weather, stormy seas, dark clouds, high winds, lightening strikes and doom. Teachers feel like they are either in the middle of a tornado and have to escape to the shelter underground and hide or that they are being swept away and drowned by a tsunami-sized flooding of paperwork, meetings, to-do lists, checklists, deadlines, emails and expectations.

How can we as human beings, let alone super-human teacher beings, 
survive the stormy seas of education?



We ask our students all the time to “pay attention”.  Why?

What is our intention behind the request?

What results are we expecting?

What does attention look like, and how do we know/measure it?

What purpose does “paying attention” serve?

Attention-attentive-attend to… 

from attendere "give heed to," literally "to stretch toward," 

from ad "to, toward"  tendere  “stretch." 

As teachers, we have to pay attention to a lot of things. One of the first things administrators look for when evaluating a teacher is “with-it-ness”. Are they paying attention to the things that we think they should be paying attention to?

“With-it-ness” is really just another word for “awareness”. To be aware of something is to be awakened and open to what is going on, and then, from there to make choices. What choices are we making as teachers?


The Teacher Voice

How do teachers use their voice both in the classroom and beyond?  Too often the voice of the teacher is portrayed by the “wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah” sound that echoed in the classroom of the Peanuts characters created by Charles Shultz. 

          The teacher voice is so much more.  What we say and how we 
          say it holds enormous power and potential impact on children…
          ....for better or for worse...!  How do you use your teacher voice?


Vulnerability in teaching

Teachers are vulnerable under normal circumstances.  Every day, we present ourselves through our lessons and are open and vulnerable to judgment from all of our students, parents, colleagues and administrators.  I can think of no other profession where this is true, especially on a daily basis.  Teachers have to always be “on” and moving.  No privacy or protection from emotional exposure by working at a desk, in an office/ cubicle, behind closed doors or facing just the screen of a computer.  If we are grappling with personal issues, health issues, family issues, financial issues…any issues, we throw them in our backpack and carry them to school with us.  But then, when do we deal with them during our action-packed, always on, “keep moving so you don’t get behind and everyone will know it” day? 