Classroom Courtesies

In the last blog post, we explored the concept of discipline, both in and out of the classroom.

I heard from some teachers and others who said what is going on now is more than about discipline. 

It is about courtesy.

I have had many conversations lately with teachers about how disrespectful and rude students and (especially) parents have been.

First of all, it is the season of testing from now until May or June. As a result…

Students are stressed.

Parents are stressed.

Teachers are stressed.

Admin is stressed.

Put all that stress together and it is like the energy required for nuclear fission and an atomic explosion!!! And from what I hear and see first hand (and on social media), there are a lot of explosions going off both in and out of the classroom.


Kindness is a word that is one of my mantras and something I try to live by.

There is so much merchandise that is sold now promoting kindness, but I don’t know that people always understand what that means.

I have recently seen the phrase “be courteous” used instead.

Maybe that is a generational thing too because I am not sure many people under the age of thirty would be able to tell you what that means.

To be courteous and kind used to be central themes in old TV shows of the 60’s like The Andy Griffith Show.

My mom, who is 93, says that it used to be part of what she calls “home training”.

Hmmmm… so what does it mean to be courteous?

The etymology of “courteous” is from Old French courteis meaning “having elegant manners, well-bred or educated, polite, gracious and benevolent”.  

I think focusing on the “grace” and “benevolent” parts might help people get a better idea of how their choices and the manner in which they behave could be considered courteous or not.

(Maybe the well-bred and educated parts align with my mom’s idea of “home training”)

Anyway, the etymology of “grace”?  = to give thanks and praise (to ourselves and others)

The etymology of “benevolent”? = good will and wishing to be kindly (the Golden Rule)

I really wish for a kinder more gentle world.

But more importantly, I guess I hope for a world full of more grace and benevolence.

Maybe that is the magic dust that needs to settle across the Earth, work its way into the soil, and like fertilizer, nurture and grow a more gentle and kind world to live in.

I know I have said this before, but I will say it again: one of the greatest roles and responsibilities we have as teachers is to help plant seeds of knowledge and character that will grow into a future of hope and possibilities through the children we teach.

I know it is hard, especially given the home context and circumstances and traumas from which children come to us.

But we can’t give up on them!

We have to keep the faith in our role and our “circles” (of Support and Influence) that we CAN and DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

We may be the only champion in that child’s life, as Rita Pierson said in her viral Ted Talk. 

Check it out here.  

So, when you feel down in your teaching spirit, watch this video. OR get out your circles and focus on your circles of support and influence.

And remember, you have an opportunity to model grace, benevolence, kindness and love every day to those children who need it most.

Thank you for what you do!


Inspirational song about courtesy: (for kids, but also for some adults, especially parents, who need to be reminded!)

Values songs: Be Courteous Song for Kids  by Appuseries


Photo credit:

Most Courteous, Senior Superlatives, Jordan Sellars High School, Burlington, NC, 1961” by North Carolina Digital Heritage Center is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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