Teacher Wish Lists

“When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires 

Will come to you.”

(From the Disney movie, Pinocchio)


One of my greatest wishes in the world is that this is true for teachers and their students.

It is that time of year when a new school year is beginning.

Teachers spend much of their summer professional developing, reflecting and making plans for next year…new ideas, new and exciting lessons, new decorations to motivate and support students, project, classroom transformations, incentives, print and tech resources, etc.

All this takes money. Most teachers have hearts as big as the world and want their students to have the most powerful and positive learning experience possible, so they spend money from their own pockets.

If you have looked at the latest teacher salaries, you will see that this is a great burden to a teacher’s already limited budget and resources.

So, many teachers now are creating Amazon Wish Lists to help get what they need for the classroom. 

#clearthelist is a hashtag that has been created to help teachers share their list through social media.

What do teachers and their students need?
How can you help?

Thank goodness there are many really caring, loving, generous hearts of students that have been touched by a teacher and many of these wish lists are being “cleared”. YAY!!!

I encourage you to go to Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms, search #clearthelist and pick a teacher’s list to support. 

Choose just ONE item under $10 and purchase it for that teacher.

Then, share that list on your social media accounts and encourage others to donate.

This is how a little, kind gesture can make a big difference…just like every little thing teachers do every day that they forget may a big difference in the life of a child and in the greater good of the world! 

That $10 may get you a coffee and a donut or a “value meal” at a fast food restaurant that will feed your tummy temporarily…

BUT…for teachers and their students, that $10 will feed a lifetime of learning through curiosity, discovery and positive experiences in the classroom.

Think of those teachers and their students as “stars”…

and when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true!

Thank you!


Inspirational song:

When You Wish Upon a Star 



Image credit:

When you wish upon a star…” by Vince Alongi is licensed under CC BY 2.0.    


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