The Kindness Game

Happy World Kindness Day 2021!  

World Kindness Day is celebrated all around the world every year on November 13th. It was introduced in 1998 by the World’s Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations’ kindness NGO’s.

You can learn more about it here.

I am a HUGE proponent of bringing more kindness into this world!

Want to bring more kindness into your world?  

Here are some resources to learn more about this day and how to incorporate it into your lesson plans, your life and the world around you.

I came across this article through Edutopia that has a Kindness Game.  It can be adapted and personalized to suit your needs and intentions. In fact, the picture with this blog post is one I created for teachers.

I also have become a walking billboard to spread kindness through products that I have purchased.  I have worn these t-shirts or carried something with me with a “kindness” message, and I have found that people will treat me totally differently and in a good way.

So, check them out here and here.

Everyone is aware of what kindness is, but we don’t always choose kindness because we may be influenced by our own personal state of well-being, our Ego or level of consciousness that we are currently in.

If we are tired, hungry or haven’t moved up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Self-Actualization, we may not have the wherewithal to make a kind choice.

And kindness is a choice in every single moment of every single day 
for our entire life! 

We also need to remember that we must choose kindness for ourselves.  It is not being selfish. Once we become more aware and choose to practice kindness (compassion, grace, empathy, love) on ourselves, the easier it becomes to practice it with others.

Teachers especially do not practice kindness on themselves because they feel like they need to ALWAYS be giving to others and doing for others.

When we make kindness a priority in life, 

our relationships, experiences and journey 

become deeper, wider, richer and more meaningful.


So, try it!  Choose kindness, and ask yourself:

what can I do to get in the kindness game and be a key player?


Inspirational song:

Try a Little Kindness by Glen Campbell



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