Teacher Wish Lists

“When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires 

Will come to you.”

(From the Disney movie, Pinocchio)


One of my greatest wishes in the world is that this is true for teachers and their students.

It is that time of year when a new school year is beginning.

Teachers spend much of their summer professional developing, reflecting and making plans for next year…new ideas, new and exciting lessons, new decorations to motivate and support students, project, classroom transformations, incentives, print and tech resources, etc.

All this takes money. Most teachers have hearts as big as the world and want their students to have the most powerful and positive learning experience possible, so they spend money from their own pockets.

If you have looked at the latest teacher salaries, you will see that this is a great burden to a teacher’s already limited budget and resources.

So, many teachers now are creating Amazon Wish Lists to help get what they need for the classroom. 

#clearthelist is a hashtag that has been created to help teachers share their list through social media.

What do teachers and their students need?
How can you help?


In all of the Teacher Tales podcasts I have done and all of the conversations I have had with teachers throughout my career, the most important thing in teaching, learning and having a successful experience in school seems to come down to one main factor.

Can you guess what that is?


Test scores?

Parent involvement?



Words of praise?

More pay?

These are all indeed variables that can affect the “success” equation, however, all of these hinge on the ONE THING that teachers tell me is the KEY to their success, student success, school success, educational success… (more…)

Let’s Celebrate!

As an extremely difficult school year for all comes to a close, I call everyone together to CELEBRATE.

(key up the Celebration song by Kool and the Gang???)

The end of the year does signal a feeling of “good times” coming…a.k.a. = the summer!

Well, for some maybe. I know many school districts are having summer school to help those students who have a “learning gap” or are somehow considered “behind”.

Many teachers are celebrating because they are leaving the profession all together and don’t have to put up with the stress and unreasonable demands that are causing them poor mental and physical health.

Seniors and their families are celebrating because they have reached a milestone in their educational journey and are graduating from high school.

The etymology of the word celebrate is from Latin celebrare meaning “to assemble to honor and sing praises of”

No matter how teachers, parents, admin, students, districts 
or anyone else may view this past school year, 
there is always something to celebrate!

Let’s honor and sing the praises of all the teachers, students, parents and everyone in the educational system for getting through the school year the best way they knew how, with the circumstances and obstacles they faced and with the limited resources of time, money, energy and sometimes support that they received.

Celebrate, honor and praise all the little things that became big things like:


Sparkle and Shine

Who doesn’t like when things “sparkle and shine”?

As you can probably guess, the word “sparkle” is related to the word “spark”.

In the classroom, there are a lot of sparks flying from conflicts, stress, tension, confrontation, negative emotions and actions… you get the picture.

So, how can we turn “sparks” into “sparkle” and shine? (more…)

Classroom Courtesies

In the last blog post, we explored the concept of discipline, both in and out of the classroom.

I heard from some teachers and others who said what is going on now is more than about discipline. 

It is about courtesy.

I have had many conversations lately with teachers about how disrespectful and rude students and (especially) parents have been.

First of all, it is the season of testing from now until May or June. As a result…

Students are stressed.

Parents are stressed.

Teachers are stressed.

Admin is stressed.

Put all that stress together and it is like the energy required for nuclear fission and an atomic explosion!!! And from what I hear and see first hand (and on social media), there are a lot of explosions going off both in and out of the classroom.


Kindness is a word that is one of my mantras and something I try to live by.

There is so much merchandise that is sold now promoting kindness, but I don’t know that people always understand what that means.

I have recently seen the phrase “be courteous” used instead.

Maybe that is a generational thing too because I am not sure many people under the age of thirty would be able to tell you what that means.

To be courteous and kind used to be central themes in old TV shows of the 60’s like The Andy Griffith Show.

My mom, who is 93, says that it used to be part of what she calls “home training”.

Hmmmm… so what does it mean to be courteous? (more…)

Discipline in the Classroom (and Beyond)

This word is the focus of much discussion when it comes to the classroom and teachers.

The word, itself, has such an interesting etymology. If we take a look at the different origins and usages of the word as related to the classroom and education, it gets even more interesting.

According to etymonline.com, here are some insights:

*from Old French descepline “discipline, physical punishment; teaching; suffering; martyrdom”

*from Latin disciplina “instruction given, teaching, learning, knowledge,”

*related to the word disciple “one who follows another for the purpose of learning,”

So much has been researched and written about the topic of discipline in the classroom.

Today, it is referred to as “classroom management”.

No matter what we call it, first year teachers struggle with it. 

And now, in the pandemic, even veteran teachers are struggling with it.

So, what can teachers do?

Use a “discipline ladder” or some other “system of behavior accountability” as they are called today? (more…)

Follow the Directions

“Follow the directions” is a fundamental phrase used in the classroom.

Teachers get really, REALLY frustrated when students don’t follow the directions.

I understand how important directions, procedures and processes are in keeping an organized and smoothly operating classroom of 20, 30 + students, especially young ones.

HOWEVER, I also feel that sometimes we follow directions too stringently and cause ourselves undue stress. It can also open the door to a flood of judgment and shame.

The word “direction” comes from the Latin word directionem, meaning to make a straight line.

If my geometry knowledge serves me well, a direct, straight line is the shortest route between two points…a beginning and an end.

But WHAT IF, the learning journey is not the shortest distance nor the most “direct” path between two points, the starting point at the beginning, and an end point at the destination (end?)

WHAT IF the directions we receive are not the straight on nor the same for every person? (more…)


The power of belief is truly inestimable!

As teachers, especially, it is our greatest super-power. To believe in a child, in their potential and in their value has a more lasting and meaningful impact on their lives than any content we could ever get them to master and appreciate.

Times are tough right now though, and mustering up the power of belief is hard.

The pandemic has become like Kryptonite for teachers, and they feel like they have lost their power to do anything meaningful or effective.

So, how do we tap into that power of belief again? (more…)

The Kindness Game

Happy World Kindness Day 2021!  

World Kindness Day is celebrated all around the world every year on November 13th. It was introduced in 1998 by the World’s Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations’ kindness NGO’s.

You can learn more about it here.

I am a HUGE proponent of bringing more kindness into this world!

Want to bring more kindness into your world? (more…)

Place Value in the Classroom Today

Place value is truly an educational term that gets emblazoned into our brains very early on as we learn numbers and how they operate in mathematical equations.

According to the dictionary, “place value is the numerical value that a digit has by virtue of its position in a number”.

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.

And the Mayans came up with the concept of the absence of value, which they represented by the number zero.

Hmmm, so this is all great. I used to teach math once upon a time. 

However, nowadays,  I am thinking about place value in the classroom in other terms. (more…)

Helpers in the Classroom

I really love birds.  I also really love watching birdcams. One of my favorites that my daughter introduced me to is this one of the albatross Tiaki on the cliffs of New Zealand.

Tiaki and the other fledgling albatross are facing some pretty strong wind as they try to take off and fly.  However, they learn quickly to ride the wind and use it to help guide them safely back to the ground and to their nests.

Watching this video, I thought about what teachers are still going through even as a new school year has begun. 

Even after a year of teaching in a pandemic, teachers are still struggling in this new school year with all the challenges, stress, obstacles and Herculean demands that are being made on them. 

So many teachers I know are having major physical and mental health issues. Addictions are on the rise.  Every day is an emotional roller coaster of frustration, disappointment, anxiety, anger and guilt.

Teachers feel as if they have the proverbial “albatross” around their necks.

What does this mean? (more…)

Be Well, Do Well

As the new school year is about to begin across the USA and even across the world, there is an underlying anxious tone permeating the very essence of all teachers, students, parents, admin, staff, etc.

There are so many traumas to heal from last year in a pandemic. In fact, I was talking to a teacher the other day and asked “when do you go back to school?” and the reply was “oh goodness, I don’t even want to think about it let alone talk about it because I am still HEALING.”

I thought “WOW!” The trauma from last year is still going to need some time, attention, intention, nurturing and yes, healing.

We can’t just pretend that last year didn’t happen.

We can’t just ignore everything that happened and not try to learn from all the experiences, even the bad ones.

We can’t start the new year from a place of deficit, perceived “learning loss” (as it is being referred to in the media) and being behind…kind of a mindset of it’s all over before it begins because we can never catch up.

We can’t start letting all the woulda-coulda-shoulda’s reign supreme in our minds and echo through our classrooms and into the minds and hearts of our students and others.

We need to BE WELL and we need to DO WELL.

There are many resources on www.spiritofteaching.org that can help you to be well and do well.

Spirit of Teaching and Teacher Tales have been doing a series of podcasts that highlight mental health and well being.

 There is a great deal of awareness being raised about mental health., especially during the past year and a half of a pandemic.

What is mental health exactly?  


Let’s Play!

Once we have our curiosity going, play usually follows.

The word “play” comes from the Old English pleg(i)an ‘to exercise’, and is related to Middle Dutch pleien ‘leap for joy, dance’.

Play is essential and a critical part in the learning process, 

but it is so absent in the classroom today. Why is that?

What is especially ironic is that when students are doing what seems to be endless “exercises” in a book in order to supposedly learn something, it does not feel like or resemble what we typically think of when we think of play.

Many of the activities in school are just exercises after exercises of filling in the blanks, copying definitions, taking “notes” and doing workbook activities. They are prescriptive and meaningless, but the fastest and easiest way to deliver content, right?

It is a little like the concept of exercising and doing repetitive movements and reps in order to get in shape. The approach is kind of aligned with a mentality of “Keep working that muscle for it to get stronger. No pain, no gain.”

Standardized testing, prescriptive lesson plans, rote memorization, mindless repetition, one-size-fits-all, no real world connection or meaning…UGH…STOP!!!

Play usually involves some sort of movement, risk-taking, curiosity, imagination, pretending, make-believe, imitating, creating, role playing and being totally in the present moment. 

I have taught every age group from 0-90 years old, and a big part of my teaching was always play, no matter the age group.

I tried to tap into the curiosity of every child (or child within us all) and create what I referred to as “Disney Magic Learning Ride”. Not a scary roller coaster ride but rather that warm, “home” feeling and wonder that Walt Disney envisioned for all visitors to his theme parks.

After all, it is known as the “WONDER-ful” World of Disney!

It is really not hard to create play and a sense of wonder in the classroom.  Let’s play around with this idea. (more…)


Curiosity comes from the Latin word, curiosus, and is akin to the word “cura” or care/cure.  According to Etymonline, to be curious means to be “careful, diligent and to inquire eagerly”.

When one hears the word “curiosity”, people often think of the expression “curiosity killed the cat”, which totally does not conger up a positive image or motivation to inspire one to become more curious.

But if we think about cats and how they are inquisitive, yet careful, when something new is introduced into their environment, the concept is magical. 

How many cat videos and memes have been uploaded and viewed on the internet as a way to seek calm, practice self-care of de-stressing and to get a dopamine hit of “ahhhhh, how cute!”?… especially during the pandemic!

In any personal or spiritual growth practice, the first step is to get curious. What is coming up? How am I feeling? When does this happen? Who is involved? 

This is what I call the “WWWWWH?” We can’t pounce on a problem or challenge or situation like a cat who is not practicing curiosity. Maybe that’s when there are dire consequences.

We need to be careful, yet diligent and inquire eagerly at all angles through WWWWWH?

WWWWWH? = Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

These are the basics of Bloom’s Taxonomy for learning and growth.

But in the real world, it is just the basis and foundation of living and moving forward one step at a time.

We have to find the answers to the WWWWWH? of life for ourselves. No prescription, no multiple choice, no true/false, no “one-size-fits-all”. 

So, what does curiosity look like in the classroom, 

and why is it the essential and critical first step on the learning journey?



One of my favorite quotes, and one by which I try to live my life is:

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.

You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.

You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.

You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” 

Martin Luther King, Jr.

I tried to live by this wisdom in the classroom and teach it to my students as well.

To me, grace is the sweet nectar that can bring bliss to our lives. 
It is what makes us whole.

Another quote about grace that has had an impact on me too is from Anne Lamott.  

“I do not understand the mystery of grace –

only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us.”  


I believe that grace is one of the greatest needs we have in the classroom today in order to achieve real growth and learning gains as human beings.

We don’t need more technology, testing, checklists, standards, evaluations or money.

We desperately need more grace in the classroom…especially now as we move forward after a very difficult school year trying to make our way teaching and learning in a pandemic.

“Grace” comes from the Latin word “gratia” meaning “favor, mercy, good will, gratitude”.

In Spanish, the expression for “please” is “por favor” or “by favor”. It implies the potential “pleasing” or “favorite” nature of the act.

In French, the expression for “thank you” is “merci”. In Italian, it is “grazie”; in Spanish, “gracias”.

Grace is an interaction, a communication, an intention from the heart. 

Grace is the love and mercy we have received from others and that we, in turn, give back to the world.

Grace is a choice that we make in every single moment of our lives. 

Grace is a conscious choice we make to bring more mercy, goodwill and gratitude into the world through our thoughts and actions.

So, what does grace look like in the classroom, and why is is so critical? (more…)


What is the difference between empathy, sympathy and compassion? 

Which is more important in the classroom, in our home, in the world…in life?

Take a look at the etymology of the three words below, and decide which you think is most important and most needed in the classroom today.

                    empathy – from Greek empatheia, “passion” or “state of emotion”

                    sympathy – from Late Latin sympathia, “community of feeling” or “fellow feelings”

                    compassion – from Late Latin compati, “with pity” or “suffer together”

Do a search on the three, and you will get a myriad of definitions and interpretations.

Nonetheless, they are all intertwined and an essential part of the human heart, in making connections, in nurturing relationships and in supporting personal growth.

Let’s first look at empathy vs. sympathy, which many consider to be the same.

According to the research of Dr. Brené Brown, 

“empathy fuels connection, sympathy drives disconnection.”

With empathy, we see and feel the vulnerability in the other person and, as a result, offer them our presence, understanding and love. There is no judgment, just a sensation in the body that says, “I feel your pain and suffering, and you are not alone.”

With sympathy, we see the pain and try to fix it or offer up a “silver lining” by often starting off with the expression, “well, at least…”.

Sympathy in the classroom looks like this:

Teacher A says, “OMG, I am so upset! My kids did really poorly on that test. I don’t understand what happened. We all worked so hard, and they seemed to understand.”

Teacher B says, “Yeah, I know what you mean. My kids did poorly too, but I’m not going to let it upset me. My kids are just lazy and don’t do what they are supposed to do.”

Empathy in the classroom looks like this:

Teacher A says, “OMG, I am so upset!. My kids did really poorly on that test. I don’t understand what happened. We all worked so hard, and they seemed to understand.”

Teacher B says, “Yeah, I feel that way too. I completely understand what you mean. My kids did poorly too, and I am still trying to figure out what we could have done differently too.”


It seems to me that the entire teaching profession, on the inside and the outside, has an overabundance of sympathy and not enough empathy.

It seems everyone has a solution of what to do, how to fix the broken system, and magically make teachers and students happy and whole again. 

From the outside looking in to the classroom:

Teacher: I am so exhausted. I am working so hard and can barely stay afloat.

Parent/community:  Well, at least you have your summers off, and you can rest then.

Teacher:  I am struggling to make ends meet for my family on a teacher’s salary.

Parent/community: Hmmmm, maybe you could not spend so much money on supplies

for your classroom or give up that latté on your way to school.


I invite you all, especially if you are a teacher, to listen to the conversations going on in the classroom and outside the classroom. They could be in emails, casual conversations at the grocery store, gossip at a party or a sporting event…anywhere interpersonal communication is happening. 

Write them down for more impact to your heart because some of them are horrific, unfair, unfounded and trauma-inducing!

So, where does compassion come in?



Do you remember the song, Joy in My Heart?

It starts like this:  “I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” 

So many teachers and students do not feel the joy down in their hearts these days.

It is a struggle now more than ever for everyone because of the pandemic. Joy seems to have left the classroom like “Elvis has left the building”. Especially at this time of the school year, there is a prevalent feeling of “the music has stopped, and the concert is over!”  A mood of “I’m done!”

I won’t go into detail and describe the atmosphere and culture of current feelings in the classroom because I think everyone already knows and understands what it is like. 

I want to focus more on how we can dig deep down in our hearts and find that joy again.

This is what Maya Angelou has to say about joy:

Joy is a freedom. It helps a person to find his/her own liberation. The person who is joyous takes responsibility for the time he/she takes up and the space that he/she occupies.You share it! When you continue to give it away, you will still have so much more of it!”

There is an overwhelming cry from the hearts of teachers to be free. “I just want to teach.” has become an ironic cliché in education. Teachers feel so burdened and overwhelmed and unappreciated and unsupported and….(name the emotion).

So, how can we bring forth more joy into the classroom, and why is it so important?



This is a really, REALLY tough time of year for teachers and students. 

They come back from Spring Break only to face testing and admin in overdrive and red-lining their list of demands to “wrap things up” for this school year. *note – the definition of redlining is: “drive with (a car engine) at or above its rated maximum rpm or revolutions per minute”

Yep…sounds about right! Teachers and students are being driven to their maximum limits.

As a result, anxiety, anger, frustration, shaming, blaming, screaming and all other kinds of negative and “ugly” human behaviors are raging through schools.

And in a pandemic… well, that is just adding gas on an already out of control, raging fire!

So, what can teachers, students, parents, admin and everyone do right now? 

Remember that love conquers all…love makes the world go round (revolutions)…all you need is love…

and the epitome of all quotes on love…

Love is love is love is love is love….  such simple, yet powerful words spoken by Lin-Manuel Miranda at the Tony Awards in 2016 following the Pulse Night Club shootings in Orlando, FL.

You can watch the speech here, but I’ll warn you…have a box of tissue handy!

This gets me every.single.time because it touches a place deep in my teacher heart about loving ALL children just they way they are, as Mister Rogers taught us.

Love them ALL…no matter what!  There are days when it is so hard to do this in the classroom because of too many demands made on us as teachers. 

Too much stress due to too many demands.

Too many emotions to process and deal with because of too many demands.

Too much testing and judging and shaming and blaming and… you get the picture.

Everything is too much, and yet not enough. It echoes through the halls and permeates the walls of every classroom, that is, if we will allow it to do so!!!

There are preventive measures, however, which are at the heart and spirit of teaching. I will be exploring some of these preventive measures and powerful antidotes in my upcoming blog posts. I actually started with the last post on kindness.  You can check it out here.

What does LOVE look like in the classroom?



This poem from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow sums it up:

 “Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the flowers,
Kind deeds are the fruits.
Take care of your garden, and keep out the weeds.
Fill it with sunshine, kind words and kind deeds.”

The etymology and meaning of kind is ”class, sort, variety,” from Old English gecynd “kind, nature, race,” related to cynn “family” (kin)

Kind, kindred, kindergarten, kin…all related.

This is how school should be. This is how the world should be.

It should be our nature, part of our race, part of our family, part of the class.

I long to see more kindness toward each other. All of the stress in the classroom is causing there to be more unkind thoughts, words and deeds.

But I don’t believe that there are unkind hearts…in children or in their teachers.

I just think the pressure and the stress are causing all of us to think, say and do things that are not coming from the heart, but rather, from the mind. A mind that is flooded with cortisol and anxiety and fear and anger and made-up stories and perceptions that are being created from the negative input from social media, television, news, music, violent video games, unreasonable and unreal expectations, etc. 

What should kindness look like in the classroom? 


SPIRIT Journey: Transformation

“Transformation” means “to change form; trans = cross over, to go across”.  

What we learn should transform us. It should empower us to cross over any boundaries or obstacles in order to get to the other side. 

It should give us the “lentes nuevos” (“new lenses”, which is a reference to past blog posts) that we need in order to transform and see more clearly…that which we need to change, that which we do not need to change and to acquire the wisdom in our hearts to know the difference.  The Serenity Prayer, basically.

Like all things in life, we have gone full circle in our SPIRIT journey. We have gone through the SPIRIT process, step-by-step. And through that process, we have crossed over many barriers and overcome many obstacles. 

But, transformation is not the end of our journey. 

We are still not perfect. The world is not perfect. There are just new obstacles or problems. 

And most of us, honestly, are really good at re-cycling or hunkering down in past obstacles and problems. We have not crossed over into any new form of being and doing in the world. 

So, we will find ourselves back where we started our SPIRIT Journey with serenity because we are overwhelmed and overcome in our minds by the problems and obstacles. And we just circle back to journey through the process again…and again…and again because we are human, and we are not perfect and change is a part of life. Everything is dynamic.  

The human learning journey both in and out of the classroom is a spiral…we learn a little, grow a little wiser and get a little better at living our life each time. 

Learning is not a “one-’n-done” deal. 

We never really master anything. 

The concept of seeking mastery or worse yet, perfection, is 

one of life’s biggest deceptions and cruelest ironies. (more…)